Tuesday 31 January 2017

Seven juvenile mute swans in Battersea Park

Last Friday I went for another walk round the lake in Battersea Park.  I always check out the mute swan family when I am there.  Many months ago the pen and cob started off with nine tiny fluffy cygnets and, every time I have been to the park, I have seen the growing family.  Up until recently, all nine cygnets were still around but, this time, there were only seven juveniles.  I presume these must all be female as I read somewhere that the adult swans first chase off the males.

It was impossible to take a close-up photograph of the family all together.  In this one, mum and dad are with six of their cygnets and the seventh is swimming away from the family group.  Park of the lake was frozen, which can be seen in the background.

Unfortunately it was rather a dull afternoon so the photographs are a bit dark.  Here are three of the juveniles, with a couple of coots behind them.

I managed to get a close-up photograph of one of the cygnets.  I think it was hoping that I would give it some food!

 This one is looking a bit angry and was swimming quite quickly and had ruffled feathers.

The cygnets are now very large and, no doubt, will soon lose their brown colouring when they turn into adults.  I expect their parents will chase them away, as that appears to be what usually happens with swans.

The photographs below are of one of the parents - I am no expert so do not know if it is mum or dad.  Does anyone know how you can tell the difference?

No doubt I will be visiting Battersea Park again and will find out if the cygnets are still there.  I hope next time that there will be sunshine and no ice!

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