Saturday 29 February 2020

Young fluffy Jay - photograph taken at RSPB Rye Meads nature reserve

I don't seem to get round to writing my blog as much as I would have liked, so have decided in the meantime to try at least to add a favourite bird photograph every so often.

At the end of May last year I went to RSPB Rye Meads nature reserve.  The visit was to try and see the Kingfishers that were nesting there at the time.  I had a long time to wait between the male and female Kingfishers popping out of the nest hole in order to take turns feeding, etc.

I was delighted that, during this waiting time, a gorgeous fluffy young Jay appeared on a Black Willow tree at the other side of the pond.  It stayed there quite a while and I was able to take several photographs of it.  I love it's fluffy feathers and comical face with black eyebrows and moustache!

Tuesday 11 February 2020

Bird of the week - Cattle Egret at Lee Valley Country Park

On Saturday, my camera and I went for a walk in the Lee Valley Country Park, near Cheshunt.  The walk was run by the RSPB and more than 25 people attended it, which was rather a lot for a group of bird watchers.

We saw lots of interesting birds but, for me, the special of the day was a beautiful Cattle Egret skulking in the undergrowth.

The Country Park is huge and we only covered a fraction of it in the few hours that we spent there.  Now that I have been there with other people, I hope to go again on my own and also hope that I will not get lost!