Friday 11 October 2024

Birds by the lake and flowers in the Old English Garden - Battersea Park - 28th September 2024

There were plenty of Mandarin drakes wearing their fancy breeding feathers

Several drakes surrounded a female

A Robin didn't mind having its photograph taken while it perched on railings

I went to the Herb Garden for the first time and found these strange dangling flowers

I also saw a multi-coloured Nasturtium flower

I then went to the Old English Garden and found a bee in the centre of this white flower

Lots of Marguerites in the sunshine

Beautiful yellow flowers

Green Rose-ringed Parakeet was stripping fluffy pieces from the Cardoon seed heads

Lovely red berries on top of a pergola

A pair of Egyptian geese were standing at the edge of the lake

I came across both Mute Swans during my walk round the lake

Holly berries - ready for Christmas!

A Sweetgum tree was covered with russet coloured leaves and large seed pods

A Magpie was mooching around in the sunshine

A Grey Heron landed in the middle of pigeons that were feeding on the ground

Tufted drake with a piece of soggy bread

Grey Heron standing on a low branch overhanging the lake


Tuesday 1 October 2024

Birds, flowers and other sights in Regent's Park, London - 15th September 2024

I hadn't visited Regent's Park for some time, so decided to go there on a sunny day.  Two Grey Herons were looking uncomfortable with one another on the side of the lake.

Suddenly the younger bird chased the older one away

There were some pretty Cyclamen amongst fallen leaves

A propeller plane with an RAF logo on the side flew over the park. I believe that it was an Avro Lancaster that was taking part in a Battle of Britain flight that day.

I have no idea who these people are or what they were doing on the other side of the lake.  I liked the fan-shaped headdresses worn by the ladies!

Two Cormorants were resting together on the large pebbles

One of the paths in the park runs along one side of London Zoo.  There is only one place where animals can be seen from the path - Camels in the children's section of the zoo.

I visited the Winter Garden, where I saw some Autumn Crocus

Pampas grass

Shrubs and trees

and this flower

I passed a Rowan tree with lots of red berries while I was walking to the Inner Circle

There were lots of beautiful roses in the inner circle part of the park

Then I went to the secret garden just off the road round the Inner Circle
Impressive vase with flowers at the end of the long entrance to the garden

I sat on a bench below these lovely purple Clematis flowers

I was joined by a nearby friend while I was sitting on the bench

The Robin came so close that I could have accidentally trodden on it if I had decided to stand up!

When I left the bench, the Robin flew onto the back of it

The lovely bench in front of the Clematis arbour

Large flowers in the secret garden

Then back to Regent's Park and more beautiful roses